Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Cannabinoïds

An Information Web Site

This site is dedicated to scientific information on the experienced benefits of Cannabinoids for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It includes the treatment of typical chronic symptoms expressed in many ADHD adults ; impulsivity, anxiety, lack of attention, depression tendency, drug abuses tendencies and death / suicidal ideations, PTSD, tics... It is an undeniable fact that thousands of diagnosed, or undiagnosed ADHD people, all over the world, independently of local national laws, use cannabis and cannabinoids as an alternative medication  to standard medications (methylphenidate, anxiolytics, antidepressant, benzodiazepines, ...) or as self-medication.

Trouble Déficit de l'Attention /  Hyperactivité (TDAH) et Cannabinoïdes

Site d'Information 

Ce site est dédié à l'information scientifique sur les effets potentiellement positifs des cannabinoïdes sur le Trouble Déficit de l'Attention / Hyperactivité. Il inclut le traitement des symptômes chroniques typiques qui s'expriment chez la plupart d'adultes TDAH : impulsivité, anxiété, nervosité, manque d'attention, tendance à la dépression,  tendances aux abus de drogues (alcool, cocaïne, héroïne, ...), idées morbides / suicidaires, tics, ... C'est un fait indéniable que des milliers de TDAH, diagnostiqués ou non,  à travers le monde, et indépendement des lois nationales,  utilisent le cannabis comme alternative thérapeutique aux médications standards (methylphenidate, anxiolytiques, antidépresseurs, benzodiazepines, ...). ou comme automédication.

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Last Publications

Researchers of the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain, investigated the effects of a synthetic CB1 receptor agonist on effects caused by stress in mice. Exposure to stress elicits damage and inflammation to nerve cells in the brain, contributing to cell death and damage in stress-related neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases. They found multifaceted neuroprotective effects of the cannabinoid which "suggest that CB1 activation could be a new therapeutic strategy against neurological/neuropsychiatric pathologies," which involve certain brain regions and a neuroinflammatory component in their aetiology. (Source: Zoppy S,  et al. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010 Dec 8. )

Cannabis effective in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol improved refractory gilles de la tourette syndrome in an adolescent by increasing intracortical inhibition: a case report. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2010;30(2):190-2.

"German scientists from the universities of Goettingen, Hamburg and Dresden reported of the treatment of a 15-year-old boy with treatment refractory Tourette Syndrome (TS) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) leading to severe physical and psychosocial impairment. Administration of THC resulted in a considerable improvement of tics without adverse effects, allowing parallel stimulant treatment of comorbid ADHD. Along with THC treatment, intracortical inhibition, that is inhibition of signal transmission between nerve cells in the cortex of the brain, was increased."

Association of the Cannabinoid Receptor Gene (CNR1) with ADHD and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, Lu et. al. (2008 Dec.)

"These observations (...) suggest that the CNR1 (cannabinoid receptor gene) gene may be a risk factor for ADHD and possibly PTSD, and that this gene warrants further investigation for a role in neuropsychiatric disorders"

Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD, P. Strohbeck-Kuehner and al., Cannabinoids (2008 Mar.)

"the effects of cannabinoids in [ADHD] patients may be different from those in healthy users suggesting an involvement of the central cannabinoid receptor system in the pathology of the [ADHD] disorder"



updated / dernière mise à jour :  2011-04-24    

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