
How Cannabinoids Improve ADHD ? 

ADHD patients, depending on their own hypersensibilities and emotional history, develop a number of chronic symptoms. Patients treated with cannabinoids report the improvement of the following list of symptoms. Few scientific works have adressed scientificaly this field of research but californian doctors have been able to evaluate efficiency and validate cannabinoids use in a large number of ADHD cases. Dr Bearman, practicing in Santa Barbara Area, has write some specific articles on it.

For each symptom presented in the following list, a brief scientific explanation is given to show the implication of cannabinoids :

            - Hyper-impulsivity (restless, agitation, adrenaline stress, restless legs syndrome) : THC, the main psycho-active phyto-cannabinoïd constituent of cannabis, is an agonist of endocannabinoid amandamine. It is binding to the CB1 receptors present in large number in the brain. It stimulates the retrograde signalling inhibition in neuronal synapses. Consequences are modulation and decrease of neuronal activity, thus having a powerful calming effect associated. This phenomena was proven on mice in 2003.

            - Anxiety including intestinal pains due to stressful situations : THC alone his proven to be anxiolytic at low doses, but anxiogenic at higher doses, depending on individual tolerance. Another phyto-cannabinoïd agent, CBD, non psychoactive cannabidiol, acts complementary to THC. CBD binds to a second category of cannabinoid receptors, CB2, which are known to be implicated in the neuro-immune system modulation. CBD is mainly present in hemp and hashish, in various quantity. It is largely known as an anti-anxiety agent. It also has the advantage to reduce THC psychoactive and adverse effects. ADHD patients report a very positive effect on intestinal pains and general anxiety state when CBD is added to THC.

            - Fears / Panic attacks : CB1 receptors are implicated in synaptic plasticity and emotional responses to external stimuli. It is proven on mice that THC helps in the process of decondionning. CB1 deficient mice exhibits abnormal impulsive and fearful behaviour and continue to be over-stressed comparing to normal mice.

            - Hypersensibility to stressful situations, emotions, ... :
same effects of THC/CBD as on anxiety and fear.

            - Lack of attention : THC slowers the ADHD brain over-activity, helping the patient to stay focused and attentive. A clinical case report in Germany (2008) exposes the result of an ADHD driver attention performances test under cannabis.  

             - Insomnia :
THC slowers the brain and helps quality of sleep.

            - Depressive tendency : THC binds to CB1 receptors  which have also been identified to be involved in the release of serotonine in pre-synaptic neurons. Serotonine is the natural brain anti-depressant agent (case study, Dr Blass, Austria).

            - Suicidal Tendency / Death ideation

            - Alcoholism Tendency :
all ADHD patients who have been alcoholic report the efficiency of cannabis as a substitute.

            - Drugs Abuse Tendency (cocaine, heroine, ...) :
same as alcohol.

            - Tics :
THC is proven efficient in the treatment of Tourette syndrome.

            - OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - Mood Disorder - Personality Disorder - PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

            - Sexual hyperactivity

            - Gaming mania / Money spending mania ... 
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